Are vegan foods healthier? Not necessarily. Many of them are highly processed and contain many artificial ingredients.

It’s a common misconception that any food labeled “vegan” is automatically healthy. If you’re going plant-based for your health or to help manage your weight and lower your risk of developing diseases, unless you’re shopping at the farmer’s market or in your produce section, finding products that are actually healthy can be a minefield.

Are Vegan Foods Healthier?

Are vegan foods healthier? Many are marketed with a “green halo” indicating how healthy they purportedly are. Here is a guide to help you be a savvy shopper and avoid the marketing traps. Here are some of the foods you may have thought were healthy that you should actually eat sparingly.

Vegan “Health Foods” to Avoid

The following foods are marketed as being healthy by many manufacturers and are shelved in the health foods section of supermarkets or health food stores. But many of these foods contain added sugars or other ingredients that are not part of a whole foods plant-based diet.

1. Energy bars

If you’ve just done a half-marathon, been hiking all day, or maxed out your hour-plus gym workout then an energy bar may be what you need to refuel. However, most people who are sedentary or minimally active don’t need all the carbs and calories that come in these packaged energy bars.

Chances are it would take hours to burn off the “energy” in these wrappers, and if you’re sitting at your desk, you’re not going to expend that amount of calories. They call them energy bars for a reason: they are energy-dense containing added sugars, fats, and calories. Some have as many as 360 Calories, 15 grams of fat, and 50 grams of carbohydrates per bar.

2. Premade fruit smoothies

As tempting as delicious fruit smoothies can be, they’re not the best choice for managing weight and regulating energy. Some smoothies contain added sugars or filler juices such as grape juice, so look out for these on labels. Even if your smoothie is made simply from fruit with no added ingredients, it can still contain around 35 grams of natural sugar – which can spike your blood glucose and lead to weight gain if you make a habit of having a smoothie every morning. The same goes for that acai bowl, which can have more calories than lunch.

It’s useful to remember that when we eat whole fruit, our digestive system needs to break down the cell walls of natural fiber to release the sugars and beneficial nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. When consuming a fruit smoothie or juice that’s been frothed and blended, all that hard work your body would normally do has been done by the machine, so the sugar gets released more quickly and will store as fat if you don’t burn off that energy. Some smoothies contain over 500 calories, so if you drink one, think of it as a meal.

3. Sweetened plant-based milk

Most plant milk is ultra-processed and over half of the available products on the market contain added sugar, according to a 2021 study. Avoid sweetened or flavored plant milks, which tend to have higher amounts of added sugar.

Plant milk can be the basis of transitioning from dairy to a healthy plant-based diet and there are many alternatives available that contain no added sugars or less added sugars so look at the label. It’s useful to remember that four grams of sugar equal one teaspoon — so if you wouldn’t put two teaspoons of sugar on your oatmeal in the morning, why pour it on instead?

4. Fruit yogurt

Plant-based fruit yogurts can contain about 16 grams of sugar in one small container. Not all of the sugars in a fruit yogurt are added — some come from fruit or juice. But if you’re trying to manage your weight or lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, it’s too much sugar to consume in a so-called healthy snack. Instead, try unflavored and unsweetened yogurt such as coconut or almond, and top it with some fresh berries or apple slices and cinnamon.

5. Sweeteners

Although agave nectar, coconut sugar, and brown rice syrup are natural, they are still sugar. That means you still need to be aware of how much you’re using. Agave nectar has a low glycemic index (GI) so retailers often market it as healthy, but it has a high fructose content which research indicates is detrimental to weight and the risk of diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Coconut sugar is another naturally high fructose sugar and rice syrup has a very high GI of 98, while vegan honey contains sugar or other natural sweeteners. While these natural sweeteners are empty calories, other sweeteners such as molasses and maple syrup contain some nutrients such as iron and antioxidants but you still need to use them in moderate amounts. Some people may prefer to use stevia as a sweetener if they are trying to manage their weight or diabetes.

6. Vegan butter or margarine

Your favorite plant-based margarine and butter spread may include saturated fat and oils that are not good for you. These alternative spreads are processed foods made from oils high in omega-6 fatty acids (which we eat too much of in a western diet) and contain flavorings, colorings, and preservatives. Look for tropical oils such as palm oil, coconut oil, and palm kernel oil that are high in saturated fat high up on the label. Even if it says “made with olive oil,” chances are the first ingredients are something less healthy for you.

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t use a little of these for sandwiches or on toast now and then, but just be aware of how often you use processed products such as these, that have little nutrient content (some may be fortified with vitamins) apart from fat.

7. Flavored rice cakes

Somehow rice cakes got a reputation as a healthy diet food and everyone decided to snack on them. But in fact, even plain rice cakes are a high glycemic index food, meaning they spike your blood sugar. The ones that are sweetened are even worse and full of salt and artificial ingredients, so this “health food” is anything but. Choose whole-grain varieties and top them with a natural protein such as almond butter or hummus to slow down the release of energy and keep you full longer. This will also help you avoid weight gain.

8. Dried fruit

Dried fruit is synonymous with “healthy” but those apricots you love are a much more concentrated form of sugar than the whole fruit, so watch out for how much you consume.

A single ounce of raisins – or about 16 raisins – contains 17 grams of sugar, a quarter cup of dried mango, or about 9 pieces, contains more than 26 grams of sugar, and a cup of dried mixed fruit that you may use in baking contains 106 grams of sugar. Instead of adding dried fruit to your trail mix, try some fresh blueberries instead.

9. Sports drinks

Sports drinks can contain over eight teaspoons of sugar and studies say they are contributing to childhood obesity as youngsters drink more than they burn off at recess. Unless you’ve engaged in vigorous activity for more than an hour, there’s little need for these sports drinks to replace the fuel in your body.

10. Breakfast cereal

We all know that most breakfast cereal is full of sugar but the ones that market themselves as healthy or full of natural ingredients are trying to separate themselves from the rest. Even granola packaged to look wholesome or that states on the package it is “heart-healthy” could be fooling you until you read the label. Check to see the added sugar, total carbs, fat, and fiber per serving. The higher the fiber the better, of course. A healthier option is to top whole-grain oats (the kind of Oatmeal you make from scratch, not the packets full of brown sugar) with fresh berries and nuts and serve with unsweetened plant mil.

Bottom Line: Stick to a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet When Possible

Look for high levels of salt, sugar, and fat, which may derail your efforts to lose weight or eat a healthy diet. Eat mainly whole foods, and if purchasing packaged foods look for brands that are minimally processed and have a shorter list of ingredients.

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