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My Life: Dodging Curve Balls, Jumping Hurdles, and Getting Surprised

July 29, 2024

What lessons has life taught you?

I’ve lived 68 years and have some wisdom to share with you. So far it’s been an interesting and somewhat unusual journey. While it got off on a bit of a rocky start, I put that behind me and got out there and made a surprisingly good life for myself. I’ve had two totally unrelated careers so far: law and wellness coaching. How does a corporate litigator morph into a wellness coach? I’ll tell you.

And how does a person like me, devoted to physical fitness and taking care of her body, end up with so many extended episodes of pain? I have no answer for that one, but I feel entitled to indulge in some whining about the torture of enduring them.

I’m on marriage #2 so I obviously failed big time on my first try despite putting it off until I was 36 years old. But I had the good sense to bail after seven miserable years and to take the lessons to heart. I’m not destined to be a two-time loser. I found that choosing the right partner makes all the difference.

I also reminisce about a few other somewhat random topics like never having enough time to do all the things I want to do and getting old in what feels like an incredibly short time.

I hope this is a fun read. I’m sure you will relate to some of my musings.

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