Should I avoid gluten? In the early 2000s, it used to be a cliché TV trope for a character to announce they were going on a gluten-free diet—a sign they had been brainwashed by faddish diet culture.

But now, approximately 20 percent of Americans say they’ve tried a gluten-free diet, according to the University of Nebraska—and it remains unclear whether gluten is a net positive for our diets, or worth chucking in the trash.

Should I Avoid Gluten? Here’s What Nutritionists Say

Newsweek got the opinions of five nutritionists to try to shed some light on gluten: a protein present in grains, including wheat, barley and rye, and all wheat-based foods, including bread, pasta, cookies, cakes, and pastries.

Dietitian and nutritionist Kimberly Gomer seemed the most anti-gluten, telling Newsweek: “It is not an essential nutrient, so as a dietitian, I would not consider it healthy,” and, “The body can only benefit from removing it.”

On the other end of the spectrum, nutritionist Clemmie Oliver, from the Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine Clinic, said: “Grains are an important part of our diets and extensive research shows that wholegrain intake is associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, some cancers and mortality from all causes.”

Experts Agree That These People Should Avoid Gluten

• All the experts agreed that, for the approximately 1 percent of people globally with celiac disease, gluten should always be avoided. People who have celiac disease need to avoid gluten-containing foods entirely.
• In the U.S., another 6 percent of the population is gluten intolerant, according to data from the Cleveland Clinic. These people may also benefit from giving up gluten, the experts said. Those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity may experience symptoms like bloating, fatigue, and joint pain when consuming gluten, though they do not have celiac disease.

Testing Out Gluten Sensitivity

Joffe said that some people may not even realize they have an intolerance or sensitivity to gluten, so could benefit from testing out a gluten-free diet.

For those without celiac disease, or an intolerance or sensitivity to gluten, some of the experts still had reservations about eating gluten-containing foods in high amounts.

Hamilton said that gluten could “lead to digestive issues and contribute to conditions like leaky gut”—where the gut wall becomes more permeable, allowing substances to pass through to the blood—in some people, so recommended eating gluten “in moderation” and paying attention to any adverse symptoms.

Joffe also cautioned against viewing gluten-free foods as instantly healthier alternatives to gluten-containing versions. “There is a common misconception that gluten-free means healthy,” she said. “This is incorrect, and in fact sometimes the gluten-containing product is less processed and healthier for those that can tolerate gluten.”

Silberg agreed, adding: “Unfortunately, to make gluten-free foods taste better, some have a lot of added sugars, stabilizers and other chemicals.

Who Might Benefit from Giving Up Gluten

IBS and IBD Sufferers

Oliver specializes in people with gut disorders, including irritable bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

She said there was some evidence that people with IBS might see an improvement in symptoms on a gluten-free diet, but this might not apply to everyone with the condition. “Research has suggested that it might not be the removal of gluten improving symptoms, but instead by following a [gluten-free diet], a patient will be reducing their intake of fermentable carbohydrates called fructans,” said Oliver.

For people with IBD, on the other hand, Oliver said there was “no need to avoid gluten” unless they were also diagnosed with IBS because of continuing gut symptoms.

Autoimmune Disorder Sufferers

Meanwhile, Hamilton mentioned that gluten-free diets may help people with autoimmune conditions—her specialism.

“Emerging research suggests a link between gluten and autoimmune conditions, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis,” she said. “In these cases, gluten may exacerbate inflammation and immune responses.

“I have seen many of my clients transform their health by removing gluten from their diet when this is a contributing factor to their condition, and other studies have shown that many individuals with autoimmune disorders report improved symptoms and reduced inflammation after adopting a gluten-free diet.

“While not everyone with autoimmune conditions needs to eliminate gluten, those who are sensitive to it may experience considerable benefits.”

Overall, this group’s verdict seemed to be that some people might benefit from cutting out gluten, others might not, and those who weren’t sure could always try a gluten-free diet to see if it made a difference to the way they felt.

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