Simple weight loss swaps make it easier to lose weight without starving yourself. The little sneaky calories add up. Fifty extra calories per day amounts to a 5.2 lb. weight gain over the course of one year.

A variety of foods that are high in calories can be swapped with foods that are comparatively low in calories and healthier.

Calorie control is used as a popular tactic to facilitate weight management. Contrary to the popular misconception, starvation is not the only way to carry our calorie control. Mindful eating and making the right food choices can also be used as a way to aid weight loss. For instance, a variety of foods that are high in calories can be swapped with foods that are comparatively low in calories and healthier.

Weight Loss Swaps

Here are some weight loss swaps that can promote weight loss:

1. Soda with infused water: Who wouldn’t like a glass of refreshing beverage to wash down a meal. But did you know that picking the wrong beverage can cause you to gain weight? Sodas are a source of excessive sugar and calories that can be unhealthy for the body. However, swapping soda with infused water can have miraculous benefits on the body. Furthermore, they are lower in calories as well.

2. Dried fruit with fresh fruit: Dried fruits might be considered as an easy snack option, but is it a healthy one? If you want to have a nutritious snack, go for fresh fruits as they are lower in calories and higher in fiber, water, and other nutrients. Furthermore, dried fruit is a source of concentrated sugar which can be unhealthy for the body.

3. Flavored yogurt with Greek yogurt: Be it oats or granola, adding yogurt to the breakfast can add to its deliciousness. However, flavored yogurt can be high in calories which can add to weight gain. For a healthier alternative, you can swap flavored yogurt with Greek yogurt which is lower in calories and higher in fiber and protein.

4. Mayonnaise with mustard: From burgers to sandwiches, mayonnaise is used in almost every dish. This condiment, although delicious, might not be the healthiest option. However, this condiment can be swapped with a healthier and equally delicious alternative – mustard. This alternative is comparatively low in calories as well.

5. Store dressing with oil: Dressings such as ranch, ketchup, etc. are popularly used as sides and condiments in snacks, salads, and other dishes. Despite the flavor, these dressings can end up adding excessive calories, salt, and sugar to the diet. This issue can be overcome by swapping dressings with oils such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, sesame oil, etc.

Click here to read more about healthy weight loss swaps.