
Latest Posts from our Bloggers

Should I Take Vitamins?

Should I take vitamins? It’s a good question without a clear-cut answer. While this issue has been studied for some time, scientists do not agree on whether taking a daily multivitamin is beneficial to your health or just a waste of money.

September 2nd, 2020|

Heart Disease Prevention Diet

Heart disease prevention diet? That would be one focused on fruits and vegetables. The good news is that changing your diet to feature produce can produce rapid heart disease prevention results.

August 31st, 2020|

Healthy Diet Programs

Healthy diet programs are not a one-size-fits-all proposition. There is no perfect diet that works for every metabolism or body type. The foods that are healthiest for you may be different from what works for others.

August 28th, 2020|

Wellness Guidelines Revised

Wellness guidelines from the American Cancer Society have recently been revised. The American Cancer Society has updated its guideline for diet and physical activity for cancer prevention, with adjustments to reflect the most current evidence.

August 21st, 2020|

Keto Diet and Weight Gain

Keto diet and weight gain? Yes, this new research indicates that weight gain in the long run might be an unwarranted side effect of this low carb, high protein, high fat diet.

August 19th, 2020|

Healthy Salad Recipe

A healthy salad recipe that is vegetarian can be hard to find. Often the protein comes from chicken, beef or fish. Here’s a healthy salad recipe that uses lentils for protein.

August 14th, 2020|

Does the Glycemic Index Matter?

Does the glycemic index matter? Some people use the glycemic index (GI) as a shorthand way to judge whether a food is healthy or not. But it is more complicated than just pulling the number and putting the food on the healthy or unhealthy list.

August 12th, 2020|

Benefits of Coffee Naps

Coffee nap? Ever heard of the term? I know, drinking coffee before a nap may seem counterintuitive. But, many people endorse this habit as a way to boost energy levels.

August 10th, 2020|

Healthy Fish Recipes

Healthy fish recipes are be hard to come by, especially if you are a chowder fan. Chowder can be an indulgence–it’s creamy and super-filling–but the dish can be surprisingly healthy, if you make it right.

August 7th, 2020|

Most Addictive Foods?

Most addictive foods? It’s a question we all ponder from time to time. As a Certified Nutritionist, I know that people, bodies, and cravings vary. But here is

August 3rd, 2020|

Healthy Indian Food

Healthy Indian food can be easy to prepare at home. I like recipes that only require a cookie sheet and don’t require me to do a lot of cleanup.

July 31st, 2020|

Exercise Time of Day

Exercise time of day matters. Research demonstrates that in order to be consistent with an exercise routine, the most important thing is to find an exercise time of

July 29th, 2020|
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