Calories In Calories Out
Calories in, calories out. Is caloric reduction to key to weight loss? Most quick weight loss programs focus on calorie deprivation. But new research demonstrates that overall calorie intake may not be so important. This study concluded that it is the food quality, not quantity, which impacts obesity and weight gain.
Intermittent Fasting Diets
Intermittent fasting diets are all the rage, but new clinical trial results indicate they don't work any better than simple calorie cutting. People who simply cut their daily
Personalized Weight Loss
Is personalized weight loss the key to losing weight and keeping it off? There is a dire need for effective weight loss strategies and techniques since 74% of American adults are overweight or obese.
Is Diet or Exercise More Important?
Is diet or exercise more important to your health? You’ve probably heard that “you can’t out-exercise a bad diet.” While this saying has some merit, you may wonder whether diet or exercise is more important for health goals like weight loss or improved heart health.
Herbal Weight Loss Supplements
Herbal weight loss supplements are tempting because they seem like a shortcut. But are they safe and effective? The thing is, those concoctions could make things worse instead of better.
Top Food Trends of 2022
What are the top food trends of 2022? The editors of Eating Well Magazine, along with their team of registered dietitians and test kitchen cooks, used consumer data
Is Fiber Important?
Is fiber important? Apparently, most Americans don’t think so. A new study reveals that 93% of Americans aren't eating enough of this essential nutrient. Only 7% of adults
Healthy Quiche Recipe
A healthy quiche recipe is typically a crustless quiche. There is no denying that quiches make for an easy, protein- and veggie-packed solution to your breakfast dilemma. Perhaps
Type 2 Diabetes Treatment
The best Type 2 diabetes treatment should be a weight loss of 15% according to new research. Specifically, losing 15% of body weight should be a primary treatment
Fall Soup Recipes
Fall soup recipes can be a healthy addition to any diet. Why not try a pumpkin soup recipe? This healthy fall soup recipe from Melissa Bernstein Power of
Vegetarian Chili
Vegetarian Chili makes an easy filling meal. It’s great for a party because it’s easy to make a large quantity and accommodates your vegetarian friends as well as
Eat Whole Egg or Egg Whites?
Eat whole egg or egg whites? As a Certified Nutritionist, this is a very common question my clients ask. If you have high cholesterol, then I’d recommend eating
Dip Recipe
A dip recipe can be healthy or unhealthy. We like to snack and dips fit the bill whether for chips or vegetables. And dips and spreads make excellent
Getting Lean After 50
Getting lean after 50 is completely doable. Don't fall into the mental trap of assuming you're "too old" to transform your physique past the age of 50. It
New Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes
There’s new treatment for Type 2 Diabetes. A recent literature review has caused a paradigm shift in treatment of type 2 diabetes to focus on weight loss. An