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Healthy Protein Sources

Looking for healthy protein sources? Getting adequate protein is important to a healthy diet. Did you know that protein keeps you full longer than carbs or fat? That’s

January 6th, 2023|

What Does a Health Coach Do?

Wondering what does a health coach do? I recently passed the national board exam to become a certified wellness coach, so I wanted to give you an idea

January 4th, 2023|

Best Nuts for Gut Health

What are the best nuts to gut health? According to a recent study, almonds are your best bet. We are hearing more and more about the importance of

December 30th, 2022|

Air Fryer Side Dishes

Looking for air fryer side dishes? I just got a new air fryer and it is quick and does the trick in terms of crisping up veggies. Using

December 28th, 2022|

Does Fasting Affect Hormones?

Does fasting affect hormones? Intermittent fasting has taken off as a way to lose weight without having to limit types of a food a person eats. But there

December 26th, 2022|

How Healthy is My Diet?

Have you ever wondered "how healthy is my diet?" People trying to adopt a healthier diet probably aren't the best judges of how well they're actually eating, a

December 23rd, 2022|

Eggs in a Cup

Here’s an easy recipe for eggs in a cup. But, are you confused about whether you should be eating eggs or not? It’s not surprising. Here’s the current

December 21st, 2022|

How to Lose Weight Safely

Wondering how to lose weight safely? Tired of miracle diets that only work for a while and then you regain the weight? Why not finally do it the

December 16th, 2022|

Exercise Motivation

Struggling with exercise motivation? Friends could be key to finding fitness motivation. Research shows that social interaction could be key to kick-starting a fitness regime. After analyzing data,

December 14th, 2022|

Healthy Sweet Snacks

Looking for some healthy sweet snacks to satisfy your sweet tooth? The air fryer or oven is an easy way to crisp up some fruit and also get

December 12th, 2022|

Do New Weight Loss Drugs Work?

Do new weight loss drugs work? There are several FDA approved weight loss injectable drugs on the market. Here is some helpful information about them if you are

December 9th, 2022|

Effects of Ultra-Processed Foods

What are the effects of ultra-processed foods? Eating lots of ultra-processed foods may dramatically increase your risk for dementia, according to a new study by researchers in China.

December 7th, 2022|

Healthy Tomato Sauce

Looking for a healthy tomato sauce? This is Dr. Mark Hyman’s recipe for spicy arrabbiata sauce. It cooks up in only 30 minutes. An easy, savory tomato sauce

December 5th, 2022|

Worried About High Cholesterol?

Are you worried about high cholesterol? There's no denying the link between cholesterol and diet, but some factors are still up for debate. The conversations around the connection between

December 2nd, 2022|
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