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Is Age a Barrier to Weight Loss?

Is age a barrier to weight loss? Many of us assume that once we are 50, 60 or 70 we will not able to lose weight. Then we stop trying. The result is that we develop lifestyle caused diseases like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

January 6th, 2021|

Low Calorie Alcoholic Drinks

Low calorie alcoholic drinks are a necessity if you’re trying to lose weight or live a healthier lifestyle. So what should you choose when you want to indulge a bit. To help you have fun without sabotaging your fitness and nutrition goals, we selected our favorite low-calorie alcoholic drinks to enjoy while dieting.

January 4th, 2021|

Healthy Crock Pot Soup Recipe

A healthy crock pot soup recipe can be a real time saver and a comfort food in the winter. Butternut squash is a very nutritious winter vegetable and benefits from being cooked in a crock pot

December 30th, 2020|

Healthy Crunchy Salty Snacks

Looking for healthy crunchy salty snacks? If you are a habitual chip and cheese and cracker muncher you’ve probably noticed that the calories can add up fast. It is easy to make what should be just a snack into an entire meal.

December 28th, 2020|

Best Diets for Women over 50

What are the best diets for women over 50 who are trying to gracefully transition into later stages of life? The sheer number of diet options are dizzying and not all of them are good for your health. Many women over 50 are looking for diets to support heart or brain function, help control menopause symptoms, or boost their overall health.

December 23rd, 2020|

Healthy Diabetic Snacks

Finding healthy diabetic snacks can be confusing. And when the stay-at-home orders began back in March, plenty of people predicted that it would affect people's eating habits, and no surprise, it has.

December 21st, 2020|

Healthy Chili Recipe

This healthy chili can be prepared in less than one hour. This healthy chili is made with lean ground turkey, kidney beans and corn. It is well spiced and packed with plenty of protein and fiber.

December 18th, 2020|

Green Mediterranean Diet

What is the green Mediterranean diet? According to the latest research, the green Mediterranean diet may be even healthier for you than the traditional Mediterranean diet.

December 16th, 2020|

Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Easy ways to lose weight? Here are nine simple tweaks that will help the laziest of dieters drop serious pounds without lifting a finger.

December 14th, 2020|

Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe?

Are artificial sweeteners safe? This is a question that we hearing conflicting answers on all the time. Various studies have linked artificial sugar consumption to kidney disease, metabolic syndrome, and an alteration in gut bacteria. My opinion, as a Certified Nutritionist, is that a moderate amount of artificial sweeteners will probably not do any serious time. Everything in moderation.

December 11th, 2020|

Healthy Breakfast Options

Healthy breakfast options? There are many to choose from. One important ingredient is some protein since that will keep you full the longest. Early in the day is also the best time to eat carbs according to the research.

December 9th, 2020|

Health Benefits of Green Tea and Coffee

Health benefits of green tea and coffee? Are they real? Both of these drinks have been promoted as health elixirs, but what does the research show about whether green tea and coffee are healthy?

December 7th, 2020|

Boredom Eating

Boredom eating is real. Especially now when many of us are housebound due to the pandemic. Many people struggle with boredom eating, or eating to pass the time — even if they’re not truly hungry.

December 4th, 2020|

Should I Get a Stand-Up Desk?

Should I get a stand-up desk? Many workers who sit in front of a computer screen all day wonder if they should get a standing desk. Adults in the United States aged 65 and older struggle to meet physical activity guidelines, which generally call for 150 minutes of activity per week. According to research, many Americans spend up to 11 hours a day sitting. Women are specifically at an increased risk of having or developing health concerns associated with inactivity. More than 5 million people around the world die from causes associated with a lack of physical activity.

December 2nd, 2020|

How to Maintain Weight Loss After Keto

How to maintain weight loss after Keto can be a little tricky. Staying on Keto for longer than a few months might be bad for your health. Plus, most dieters can’t stick to a stick Keto diet for more than a few months

November 30th, 2020|
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