Online Weight Loss Program
Online Weight Loss
This 8-week online weight loss program is for you if you want to lose a little weight, maybe those pesky last few pounds that don’t seem to want to go away and already know how to eat a healthy diet and control portions. You just need some accountability to stay on track until you get the job done.
This program goes beyond typical online diet plans, offering personal online nutrition counseling and the additional accountability and expert nutrition and weight loss advice you need to lose the weight and keep it off. The ultimate goal is for you to live a healthier lifestyle forever.

Program Highlights

Designed for clients who eat healthy but recently gained a few pounds.

8-week program will help you lose 10-15 lbs.

Lower cost for you compared to my full-service programs.

Welcome Package with useful tips and information.
Program Details
Complete the “Online Weight Loss Plan” form and email it to me.
Record your daily food intake via the My Fitness Pal app.
Email me once a week with a short progress report and your current weight.
Once a week I will review your food diary and provide expert advice and nutrition suggestions.
Mid-way through the program we meet virtually or in-person to make any necessary adjustments to the plan.
You will also receive a special Welcome Package of useful information.
You have the option of additional services, including an office or phone consultation, and more frequent email contact.
Tired of online diet programs that just don’t work?
Email me at
Client Results

Helane’s Success Story
Lorie gave me an opportunity to talk through things I’ve struggled with my whole life, to help me give permission to myself to live a little and enjoy food, and to set some small but substantial goals in my health and wellness journey that have truly helped me.

Elaine’s Success Story
Lorie Eber’s Wellness Coaching is essential for anyone who wants to develop healthy behavior habits and enjoy life. Lorie’s method is so successful because it is realistic. Lorie demonstrates how small changes, over time, will lead to a healthier life.

Sue’s Success Story
When I first started with Lorie Eber, I was like so many women who, in the name of career and family, have neglected their health. I had far too many pounds creep up on me, and these are pounds that I used to shed quickly with crash dieting. We started off slowly; Lorie lets you set the pace…