Healthiest Fast-Food Choices
What are the healthiest fast-food choices? While most fast foods are based on cheap, unhealthy ingredients, many fast-food establishments now offer nutritious entrees and sides. Popular examples include
Healthy Old Age
Want a healthy old age? Here are three simple habits doctors say you should start doing right now if you want to live to 100 years old. Who
Does Metabolism Slow With Age?
Does metabolism slow with age. According to a new study, in adulthood does not slow as commonly believed. In fact, your metabolic rate remains stable all through adult
You May Not Lose Weight With Ozempic
You may not lose weight with Ozempic. Some people do not and here are some reasons why glp-1 drugs like ozempic and wegovy may not help you lose
Meal Timing for Weight Loss
Does meal timing for weight loss matter? We’ve all heard the expression “Eat a King’s Breakfast, a Prince’s Lunch, and a Pauper’s Dinner.” But is there any magic
Are Ultra-Processed Foods Bad for You?
Are ultra-processed foods bad for you? The answer is that it depends on the definition of the term and how often and in what quantities you consume them.
Healthy Chicken Salad
Here’s a heathy chicken salad recipe that you can enjoy for lunch or dinner. Chicken is a healthy source of protein without the saturated fat content of red
What Happens When You Stop Taking Ozempic?
What happens when you stop taking Ozempic? Drugs like Ozempic are very effective at helping most people who take them lose weight. Semaglutide (sold as Wegovy and Ozempic)
Are Potatoes Healthy?
Are potatoes healthy? This article tries to settle the debate over sweet vs 'regular' once and for all. Kids can be pretty fussy when eating vegetables. Many turn
What Causes Sugar Cravings?
Are you wondering what causes sugar cravings? It's not your fault, says study. When life gives you lemons, do you crave a sweet lemon drizzle cake rather than
How to Use Cauliflower Rice
Wondering how to use cauliflower rice? Are you all out of ideas about how to use cauliflower rice? I understand. How about using it in a tasty enchilada
How to Prevent Diabetes
Here’s information on how to prevent diabetes from endocrinologists. Chances are, you know someone living with type 2 diabetes. The chronic disease has been linked to many health
Healthy Salmon Recipe
Looking for a healthy salmon recipe? Many of us don’t each fish often enough. Salmon is loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids and is an excellent source of protein,
How to Live Longer
Want advice on how to live longer? Valter Longo, an Italian professor of gerontology and director of the U.S.C. Longevity Institute in California and past rock guitarist, obsesses
Health Benefits of Fast-Mimicking Diet
What are the health benefits of the fast-mimicking diet? This is a new diet that mimicking the effects of a 5-day fast while allowing the dieter to eat