Healthy Treats are Necessary
Healthy treats are a necessary part of a reasonable diet. There’s no good reason to permanently eschew all treats. Doing so does not lead to a happy life.
Mushrooms for Diabetes Diets
diabetes diets what to eat on diabetic diets mushrooms are good for diabetics
How to Lose Weight Easily
how to lose weight easily does protein help with weight loss
Your Healthy Diet Plan
Your healthy diet plan is unique to you. While there is solid scientific support for certain overarching nutrition concepts, there is also a lot we don’t know. That’s
Sugar Cravings
sugar cravings and how to curb them
Good Weight Loss Plans Require Planning
Good weight loss plans require a bit of advance planning. I firmly that healthy eating requires newfound skills because of our current food environment. That’s why I wrote
Healthy Meal Plans are Convenient
Healthy meal plans need to provide for every eventuality. Sometimes the best laid plans don’t work because life throws us a curve ball. Maybe you thought you’d be
Keto 2.0 is Here
Keto 2.0 is here. What is it? Experts say this modified keto diet is not nearly as restrictive as the original version. The ketogenic diet is notoriously tough to stick
A Healthy Lifestyle Determines Health
A healthy lifestyle, not your genes, is the best predictor of good health. Many people think that genes determine their destiny. If your father died of heart disease,
Calories in Girl Scout Cookies
Do you wonder about the calories in Girl Scout cookies? It’s Girl Scout cookie season. Let the sales begin! Most of us will end up eating some before
Intermittent Fasting Diets & Longevity
Intermittent fasting diets are one of the most popular weight loss diets. There are several types of intermittent fasting diets, but most involve either limiting food intake to
Fitness Training Programs & Strength
Fitness training programs must include cardio work, but resistance training is equally important. Why Fitness Programs Should Emphasize Resistance Training Many women in particular, overlook resistance training as
A Well Balanced Diet Recipe
A well balanced diet is one that focuses on variety. As a Certified Nutritionist, my favorite well balanced diet is the Mediterranean diet. It is backed up as
Acai Bowls Pros & Cons
Acai bowls have become one of the most hyped-up health foods on the market. They’re prepared from puréed acai berries — which are fruits grown in Central and
Chocolate Cravings Satisfied
Chocolate cravings are common. Many of us are “chocoholics,” and most of us, including this Nutritionist, are not good at portion control when it comes to sweets like