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Do Eggs Cause Heart Disease?

Do eggs cause heart disease? Whole eggs or egg whites? Eggs, like any whole food, are more than just the sum of its parts. Eggs are a good source of protein, and they provide eight essential nutrients. The research on eggs over the years has been confusing, to say the least.

October 12th, 2020|

Healthy Eating Tips

Healthy eating tips that are reliable are the key to a healthy diets. But, with all the diet advice out there, it’s easy to overlook some of the most basic nutrition guidelines. And these are the ones that are the most effective.

October 9th, 2020|

Time-Restricted Eating and Weight Loss

Time-restricted eating and weight loss may be effective for some people according to a recent study. As a Certified Nutritionist, I have found that setting an eating cut off after dinner is an effective way to eliminate late-night snacking and lose weight.

October 7th, 2020|

Quarantine Weight Gain

Quarantine weight gain is real. Life in lockdown has disrupted all our lives, creating the perfect setup for putting on pounds. Social media users jokingly refer to it as the “Quarantine 15.”

October 5th, 2020|

Sugary Diets and Exercise

Sugary diets and exercise do not mix well. In fact, new research reveals that high blood sugar caused by eating highly processed foods can actually alter your body’s response to exercise.

October 2nd, 2020|

Healthy Meal Plans Lead to Weight Loss

Healthy meal plans are the key to eating healthy. There is no doubt that if we don’t create healthy meal plans we will not eat healthy. There is just too much junk food, fast food and sweets everywhere we turn.

September 30th, 2020|

Best Tool for Weight Loss

Best tool for weight loss? It happens to be the technique of keeping a food diary. As a Certified Nutritionist, I ask all of my clients to record their food intake.

September 28th, 2020|

Sugar Causes Overeating

Sugar causes overeating. But why? New research demonstrates that a high-sugar diet dulls the sensation of satiety and causes overeating. Foods with more intense flavor and structure induce sensations of feeling full.

September 25th, 2020|

High Blood Pressure & Meditation

High blood pressure can be lowered with meditation according to recent research. A new study by Veterans Affairs showed that meditation was linked to lower cardiovascular risk.

September 23rd, 2020|

Craving Salty Foods?

Craving salty foods? Surveys estimate almost 100% of women and nearly 70% of men report having experienced cravings — or intense desire for a specific type of food — during the past year.

September 21st, 2020|

What is a Healthy Lifestyle?

What is a healthy lifestyle? The answer is not always clear. The American Cancer Society’s new guidelines increase the amount of weekly exercise and provide more details on which foods are best to eat.

September 14th, 2020|

Cheat Meal Idea

Cheat meal ideas can range from fairly healthy to nutrition abominations. Why not choose a cheat meal that still has some health benefits?

September 9th, 2020|

Lazy Keto Diet

The Lazy Keto Diet has arrived! You may have put on a pound or two or 19 during the quarantine. But now that things are starting to open up and people are emerging from their lockdowns hoping to get back into shape, new diets are starting to bounce around social media again. And one of the buzziest is the lazy keto diet.

September 4th, 2020|
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