How to Cook Tilapia
How to cook tilapia? Want to try some new fish but don’t know how to cook it? Here’s a quick, easy, less mess recipe for tilapia. Tilapia is an inexpensive, mild-flavored fish. It is the fourth most commonly consumed type of seafood in the United States. Many people choose tilapia because it is readily available, relatively affordable, and doesn’t taste fishy.
How to Get Out of a Junk Food Rut
How to get out of a junk food rut? Amid the months of pandemic isolation, it’s no surprise that millions of Americans turned to bad-for-you foods, snacks, and sweets as a source of comfort, and gained their COVID-19 pounds in the process.
Behavioral Psychology for Weight Loss
Behavioral psychology for weight loss? Lifestyle change, which is essentially behavioral psychology, is the only long-term solution. As a Certified Wellness Coach, I know that to be most effective behavior change needs to be paired with individual accountability and guidance.
Natural Artificial Sweeteners
Natural artificial sweeteners may help since quitting refined sugar can be tough. Fortunately, quite a few sweeteners found in nature are actually good for your health.
Vegetarian Chili Recipe
Vegetarian chili is very easy to make and can be quite a bit healthier than traditional chili with the customary toppings. This vegetarian chili is made with sweet potatoes, black beans and lots of spices.
Do Collagen Supplements Work?
Do collagen supplements work? Collagen refers to a family of proteins that are the primary structural component of connective tissues, such as skin and cartilage, according to Yale University.
Quick Healthy Breakfast
A quick healthy breakfast is a must. But what is a quick healthy breakfast? Some examples are whole wheat toast with nut butter or avocado or Greek yogurt and berries. Eggs are a great healthy way to start the day with a healthy dose of protein and other nutrients.
Nut Butter Recipe
A nut butter recipe will often call for the use of coconut oil or palm oil, both of which are very high in saturated fat. But there is no need to add oil. Homemade nut butter can be made with just two ingredients, nuts and salt. Simply toast the nuts then put them in the food processor.
Alcohol and Health
Alcohol and health. Is alcohol good or bad for you? No doctor would advise drinking alcohol strictly for its health benefits. But moderate consumption — defined as no more than one drink per day for women and two for men — has been considered low risk, possibly even good for you.
Are Air Fryers Healthy?
Are air fryers healthy, or are we just fooling ourselves? Fried food without all the oil sounds too good to be true. Here are the pros and cons.
Childhood Diet Affects Adult Health
Our childhood diet affects adult health, according to a new study on mice. A recent study conducted at the University of California Riverside shows that our childhood diet has lifelong impact. The study found that the effects of unhealthy food followed young mice into adulthood.
Is Keto Best for Weight Loss?
Is Keto best for weight loss? A few years ago, the internet was raving about Keto as the perfect diet for weight loss.
Good Fats and Bad Fats
Good fats and bad fats. How do you tell the difference? For a long time, fat got a bad rap. But we need fats in our diets. Fat helps your body and brain function, and you need fat for basic daily tasks, from growing healthy skin, nails, and hair to absorbing fat-soluble vitamins.
BPA Dangers
BPA dangers are worth researching. What are the dangers of BPA? How worried should we be? This common chemical is pervasive in our environment and food, but proof of harm is lacking.
Trendy Diets: Keto and Intermittent Fasting
Trendy diets come and go. But sometimes there of elements of trendy diets that are worth incorporating into your healthy diet. Experts sort through the fads to see what really helps you lose weight.