How Much Red Meat is Healthy?
How much red meat is healthy? For meat lovers, barbecue season means lots of hot dogs, hamburgers, charcuterie trays and exotic cuts like wild boar and bison. But there’s a dark side to the carnivore’s diet.
Best Foods for Sleep
What are the best foods for sleep? There is a growing body of scientific data that indicates what types of food can protect, enhance, or undermine sleep.
How Long Does it Take to Change Health Habits?
How long does it take to change health habits? When asked the question, most people would respond with “21 days.” We’ve heard that for decades. You will be surprised to learn that it actually takes far longer than 21 days to make new healthy habits stick. So don’t give up too quickly!
Quinoa Salad
Quinoa salad is a great alternative when you get tired of eating greens for lunch every day. This salad can be whipped up in under 30 minutes. If you don’t have time to cook the quinoa, buy it pre-cooked.
Healthy Lifestyle and Cancer
A healthy lifestyle and cancer susceptibility are related. The latest research shows that living a healthy lifestyle may help mitigate high genetic risk of cancer. Even if cancer runs in your family, if you choose to live a healthy lifestyle you can lessen the risk of the disease.
Vegetables You Should Cook
Some vegetables you should cook because your body can absorb more nutrition from them when you add heat. Eating vegetables raw isn't always the most nutritious option.
Summer Salad Recipes
Summer salad recipes have typically defaulted to potato salad, macaroni salad and egg salad. But with all the luscious fruit in season, why not try some healthy summer salad recipes?
What are the Best Protein Sources?
What are the best protein sources? Red meat is a good source of protein, but it should be limited due to its association with heart disease. So, what are the best protein sources? Think plant and seafood.
The Latest Diet Trends
Here some of the latest diet trends. Searching for the perfect diet to help you get back in shape? Many of us yo-yo from one weight-loss trend to another in hopes of shedding extra pounds. But our time and effort might be better spent elsewhere. Even if some of these trendy diets do help you lose weight, they may leave you less healthy.
Vegan Creamy Dressing
A vegan creamy dressing can be just as delicious as one made with milk products. Pair it with a healthy salad and you have a meal that even a non-vegan will want to eat.
Eat Healthy While on Vacation
You can eat healthy while on vacation. It just requires a little planning and thinking ahead. But it will be worth it to return home without having gained any vacation weight.
Coffee and Dementia
Coffee and dementia are complicated. Does coffee lessen or increase your chances of developing dementia. It depends on which study your read.
Strawberry Desserts
Strawberry desserts can be a healthy way to indulge a sweet tooth. Strawberries are packed with vitamins and minerals and can be used in healthy desserts Here’s a recipe for a healthy strawberry scone.
Health Benefits of Fermented Foods
What are the health benefits of fermented foods? There has been a lot of speculation that eating fermented foods helps diversify the gut microbiome, which is thought to promote health and minimize inflammation.
Make Healthy Restaurant Dining a Reality
Is healthy restaurant dining possible as we slowly return to eating out? The pandemic has undoubtedly caused us to change our eating habits. We have resorted to healthier practices to help keep us in shape and have significantly lessened eating out.